
Media Burn Archive

3000+ Hours of Unique Social Justice and Community Activism Film

Media Burn Archive, a project of the Fund for Innovative TV, was founded in 2003 by Tom Weinberg. Media Burn aims at restoring and distributing social justice and community activism content that otherwise may never have seen the light of day. Inspired by an actual burning of media, the archive is sustained mostly from volunteers and the hard work of Sara Chapman, Dan Erdman, and their board of directors. Thanks to their efforts, over 8000 videos and over 3000 hours of footage are archived and available for free to anyone with an internet connection.

In addition to their mission of preserving and distributing footage, they also run frequent free events to screen documentary footage and invite guest speakers to provide relevant context and information behind said footage. Almost 6000 videos in their archive are exclusive to Media Burn... that's content you will find no where else in the world.

One of the greatest strengths of this archive is its esoteric flair—given the size of the collection as well as the eclectic nature of the film, there's a plethora of unexplored topics and sources just waiting to be uncovered and researched. Much of the footage included is documentary footage cut from documentaries, meaning you will find video content much more in-depth than even most professionally produced documentaries.

With a staggering amount of footage created by geographically, socially, and economically diverse filmmakers, all curated, restored, and distributed at no cost, it's hard not to see Media Burn Archive's vast potential as a primary source. For a video collection that forms an unmatched portrait of American life from 1949-2020, do a little digging into their collection—even if you don't find what you were looking for, you'll find what you didn't know you needed.

Check out some of Media Burn's Best

Curated by Sara Chapman, Executive Director at Media Burn Archive

For more information, check out Media Burn's website or our event with Sara Chapman, their executive director.